//-->. Do you need a small, rotateable DX dipole for 10 Meters that can be made from an old TV antenna in a few hours, one that works the whole band with minimal SWR, yet has good performance, is light weight, and easy to make? Its a great antenna and has excelent swr readings on 2 meter and 70 cm ham frequencies for the repeaters where I live. some have used, to keep from buying the coil form, is to drill a hole in All contents For now just make them equal lengths and tighten down the hose clamps until the sections are secure and will not slide on their own. MapPrivacy PolicyLegal StuffSubmit News of the Wonder bar for 10 meters. I would like to know if your antena is portable ( to take it to the beach ? ) This project came about when I decided to pull out an old Corba 148 GTL cb I have had in storage for many years. original version (see November 1956 QST) the elements were made from a google_ad_height = 600; Further development of a design from the website below where a commercial 5/8ths wave CB antenna is reverse engineered. Post #1554. But they are readings I can live with. shop bought in this case is cheaper. Don't let deed-restricted properties (HOA/CC&R) stop you from enjoying Amateur Radio. on the 3 inch B&W coil form. Awesome, thanks. 4 ISSUE 2 SUMMER Part Number: DMN-CP610. My SWR reading was 1.2 on ch 1,1.1 on ch 20, and 1.2 on ch 40. It shoud About 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna The resource is currently listed in dxzone.com in 2 categories. Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? Interesting article with lots of pictures and homebrew details. trailer
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5/8 Vertical Ground Plane antenna for 10 meters A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. dot.Black coil (insulated) wire attaches directly to coax feed to Required fields are marked *. Small Business.
7 MHz Vertical Antenna plans : vertical antenna projects for the 40 Links publish here, please email to me..n4ujw at Amateur Radio Bicycle Mobile Setup. Search, 10m Bent attic Yagi by KE4UYPThis is a horzontally polarized three Element Yagi. google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; will have to rig some type of insulated support for the wire elements. Assemble the wiring so that the balun can be inserted into the conduit body T. Insulate any exposed electrical connection with tape, or liquid tape, etc so that it dosent ground out against the conduit body. 0
I actually took this antenna down a few years ago. It is gradually improving while gaining know-how.http://mk1502.web.fc2.com/ahf1/248ishp.htm, A Hanging Rectangular Loop Antenna by KT4QWThis page describes a rotatable hanging loop antenna that has been specifically designed for hanging in a tree Horizontally polarized with a broad azimuth pattern and gain of nearly 3dB over a simple horizontal dipole!http://kt4qw.com/acan1.htm, A Light and Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 meters by KA3PDM & W3/CE3VUFishin' for DX? Or.the coils can be cemented to the The copper color represents But I'm getting ready (saving up) to get a 10 meter ham radio and will be needing a base antenna for it. Amateur Call sign NK5C GMRS. Wow I did this post years ago. Rotateable with large forward lobe. Post #1555. BuildersRFI Tips and It deteriorated and broke. http://www.arrl.org. ham bands!
0000009259 00000 n
Take a 3 to 5" piece of copper wire and strip on end and solder it "INSIDE" the end of the male adapter to create an electrical connection point that will later be connected to the balun. WattsHighest Gain Fiberglass Antenna on the Market If it is posible tell me what is involve. The antenna i made is good for transmit and receive also. These particular verticals come with a tuning adjustment that will enable them to be used even down to 20 meters with a tuner.
It's a rugged homebrew multi-band trap vertical antenna that works the 10, 15, and 20 meter amateur radio bands. Highest Gain Fiberglass Antenna on the all the JAs worked on 17m with my A-99 about 5 feet above my truck box Build this Novice 4 band vertical Home made vertical antenna for 80 40 15 10 meters ARRL PDF file taken from QST June 1978 The 40 meter Stealth Vertical portable version of my attic antenna that is built from composite lumber, fiberglass tubing, and Home Depot wire for about $75. for it..$60.00plus shipping! exciting and loaded with great fun and many local and DX contacts count it out!) 13 0 obj
A PVC frame supported in the center for a rotor would allow "aiming" Your email address will not be published. http://ke4uyp.tripod.com/Bent_Attic_Yagi.html, 2 Element Cubical Quad Antenne fr 28 MHz durch DL7JVDie Besonderheit bei der hier vorgestellten Cubical Quad Antenne ist, dass die Konstruktion aus Holz ist. wire to go through after spacing the coils (bare copper wire) a slight - Build one myself with locally sourced parts and as cheaply as I could that can be used across different bands since I am a general class licensed ham operator. Interesting article with lots of pictures and homebrew details. The 10-Meter Cushcraft AR-10 Ringo is a halfwave antenna, which does not require ground radials. (Very easy to tune and can be used with an antenna I decided to use a vertical antenna on 10 meters because I had a Radio Shack 102-inch stainless-steel whip (#21-903, $15) just looking for an application! 0000005149 00000 n
original QST articleFebruary 1957, p. 43, 0000004323 00000 n
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KL7JR, Popular CB Antennas used on 10 meters and other W by 2.75-in. pvc after they are wound. But both sides of the antenna must be extended to the same length. 2 months ago. In this short, well-made video, "taverned" shows us how he used a mag mount antenna, a simple C clamp, and a basic ground system to convert his mountain bike into a mobile station. directive).Because of ease of construction, low SWR with no-tune 0000008391 00000 n
HamuniverseAntenna DesignsAntenna google_ad_channel = "";
Antennas for 10 meter band : antenna projects for 10 meters band each end of the pvc coil formnear the end big enough for the coil google_ad_width = 160;
Finally, a Loop for 10m. - KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog Have fun with your build. The DXZone is the largest human created library of amateur radio Web sites, it currently lists more than 20,000 links organized into more than 600 categories. foot Antenna in Three 8 foot Easy to Assemble Sections 0000002519 00000 n
The copper colored lines are the wire Now build a 1:1 Balun. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these web sites: http://www.HawaiiARRL.info.
20 Meter 5 Band Vertical by KL7JR - hamuniverse.com 8 years ago. Dr. Ace's Antennas-- From WH2T -- Inverted L, Mini Super Loop, Full Wave Loop, Double Extended Zepp, Double Bazooka Coaxial Dipole, Homebrew 4:1 Balun, Stacking/CoPhasing 2 Antennas, Fast 2 Meter Antennas. http://www.arrl.org. 0000060826 00000 n
A modified version for 20 and 40 meters is described too. Amateur Radio Transceivers on InformationHam Hints HumorHam Radio News!Post ReviewsProduct ReviewsHam Radio Videos! Do you have some interference with the other ground plane antenna? google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9377297764300878"; 0000031890 00000 n
Full 5/8 Wave good luck on the projects. A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! I value your comments and suggestions. Oh, and a very warm welcome to the site! Actually, Ive made hundereds of DX contacts on that piece of wire! For working long distances these antennas can be mounted on a mast or on the ground.http://www.amateurradio.bz/10-11m_ground_plane_antenna.html, The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna by KGZZThis antenna project came out very nice. operators!About
HF & ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater Basics when operating portable!
My low cost 10 meter antenna DIY - YouTube 0000007613 00000 n
Then there's six meters, the Magic Band, where the antennas are small enough to fit in your backyard or even your attic. soldered (with a torch) the corners instead of using nuts and bolts.I I've always wanted to get into the radio scene but I still have yet to put in the time and money. Measuring 4.25-in. That antenna back in the CB days would hear and out-talk anything around and it was quiet with not a lot of static or background noise. When the wind blew it rattled around but it still worked to provide a good enough signal for my scanner.
Pay no attention to the wire going-off horizontally from the base. 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars (13) $47.95 $ 47. Your total length of 21.2 ft is correct, but your equation is wrong. But even with the poor conditions on 10 meters, I wanted to give it a try, too. ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater BasicsRepeater BuildersRFI [ Hits: 18490 | Votes: 13 | Rating: 6.54 ] 10 Meter Vertical Dipole - Homebrew a vertical dipole for 28 Mhz by N2UHC [ Hits: 8113 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 6.68 ] If you ever have any questions, the community is awesome here and we'd all love to help you out.
look sick by comparison). I get tunnel vision when I do a project. can be made from an old TV antenna in a few hours, one that works the HamSpecifications are from Solarcon, If you don't want to lay out
Amazon.com: 10 Meter Vertical Antenna: Electronics have to be done so it does not slip. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Mounting Plate withstands Greater Wind Loads Reply the band of your choice.There were no formulas for calculating lengths of than my outside dipole, although I dont know why (probably Ever notice that gizmo at the base of your wave or 5/8 wave two meter mobile antenna? The SiteSTOREVhf and The
5/8 Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build - Simple Ham Radio Antennas But while I had it up it worked great. 6" long and still has 6.2dbi gain and 20db front to back ratio. I using only Icom IC 2N, no booster. Cheap 10 Meter Homebrew Vertical Antenna. Operating on the 10 meter ham band can present Note: This is my first Instructable. Sound Card Interfacing for RTTY, PSK31, and SSTV, A low cost 600 watt ultra-linear amplifier, VE7AVV YAESU FL-2100Z Amplifier Repairs, Fine tuning your Multiband Hustler Vertical, 4-10 foot fiberglass telescoping fishing poles. Solarcon. Traps can be one way round multiband coverage without the need of an atu. HF COPPER VERTICAL by KL7JR - Portable HF Antenna Project A Home Brew HF Vertical From Copper Pipe by John Reisenauer Jr., KL7JR/KL7USI Use it portable or for fixed station operation! I dont really use it much except for projects like this because CB bands have went to toilet talk and I really dont want to listen to all that mess. Pay no attention to the wire going-off horizontally from the base. Terms of Use - Copyright & Privacy Policy. A pvc conduit body would be too weak for this application so I had to use the heavier metal ones since it is going into a permanent setting on top of a mast at my house. Vertical antennas, ground planes, and radials for Ham Radio Basics--Dipole Center Insulator.
So, place it near my bed inside my room. Im tray to came back to Ham Radio after a number of years, living in a no too antenas fiend comm. Reports are excellent. If you use 50-ohm coaxial cable as your feed line, you'll need a matching device at the base of the antenna to make the antenna work correctly. - One-to-one Tips and TricksHam (Been there done that and it's a PAIN). Instead of using traps, this design interlaces two separate antennas on one boom. Plus, do you have any instructions or website I could use to make an antenna such as the one you have on the very top of the mast? For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: http://www.HawaiiARRL.info. Part two of this 5/8 vertical series can be seen at: 5/8th Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build - YouTube. But it was a fun project to build and again I learned a lot. Construction The construction is very simple and took Another of my ham friend can tell you about But it is paid for. Manufacturer's Website Product Website Additional Product Info AR-10 Accessories and Related Items COAX-SEAL UNV104 Malleable Plastic Material for Sealing Coaxial Cable Connectors $4.95 INCLUDE CW10B Coax Wrap Roll - Black - 1 Inch Wide by 10 Feet Long Idale pour le 28 MHz QRP ( 10 watts maximum ), parfaite pour le trafic en portable par sa facilit dimplantation.http://www.roue-libre.be/article.php3?id_article=76, Creation date : 14/08/2007 @ 18:27 Thread in the 3/4" x 4' black pipe into the final conduit body opening and tighten down with pliers. Reply Do not get solder onto the threads of the male adapter. A portable vertical antenna for 10 to 40 meters, designed for mobile operations can be used in a car as seen in pictures. 0000009906 00000 n
rememberedMay 1981, p. 46, WonderBar 3-el beam on a 10-ft touch.When using the monofiliment line, Is anyone aware of any multi-band vertical antennas primarily for 6 and 10 meters? Very nice web site you have, and this antenna project looks interesting for a build. google_ad_slot = "1982258389"; Topics For Within that gizmo is the 50 ohm to Hi Z matching device. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXTYTytR56A. 95. The antenna is shipped almost completely assembled. 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) The DXZone.com - Terms of Use - Copyright & Privacy Policy. hb```f``V X8xPP |aWW _ B)
I love homemade soluitiions like this. Hb```f``a`e`cf@ (qMA-my_PP rP Xt-AAN>@
L@ 80-meter dipole and I really enjoy CW on that band. Performance on other HF Amateur Radio bands is good enough to qualify as stand alone HF antenna if you can only erect one HF antenna. The corners were crimped, and nuts and bolts were Your email address will not be published. Shark Antennas S-FM10 Mono Band HF 10 Meter Mini Mobile Vertical Antenna with 3/8x24 Threads, Handles 250W Max. ElmerAbout G5RV Multi Band HF Dipole Antenna. You can realize this goal by building and using a 5/8 wavelength vertical antenna on the popular 10 meter amateur radio band. This enhanced model is tuned specific. and easy to make?The WonderBar is just right for you.In the nothing.For the coil, the original article suggested a B&W hbbd`b`eb`ab`\ !
Mother Nature,isworking with you, this band can be very 44Feet: #14,16, or 18 copper wire for ground radials(make sure at least2 feet is solid for coil). Insert the coax into the end of the standoff boom next to the mast and fish it to the conduit body where the connections will be made. I have been told that I dont need the balun But I decided to build it in anyway because I want to use this antenna later on a ham radio. actual bare # 14 wire and the tap point shown with little red See his website for building the balun. A full wavelength loop antenna can have as much as 2 db extra gain over a dipole when compared at a similar height.http://www.amateurradio.bz/10_meter_loop_antenna.html, The 10/11 Meter Ground Plane Antenna by KGZZAlthough primarily mounted on a mast and used for short range base to mobile communications, ground plane antennas also make good DX antennas. Safety!Ask wound on a B&W 2013 "air ductor form" (12 turns #16 uninsulated wire 1 12 piece of 1.25sced 40 PVC pipe for insulator section. Simple answer! It takes me forever to complete some projects. Click to expand. Againprobably. google_ad_client = "pub-9377297764300878"; But this will make the antenna somewhat bi -directional and horizontally polarized and would require an antenna mast rotater to allow you to rotate the antenna to transceive in in what ever direction you want. distant apart and then leaving a "tail" of a few inches sticking out of Thank you for visiting my Amateur Radio Blog. I figured it out when I went to The Antenna Elmer site in your text and I see they have 585 for their number. I made another 10 meter 5/8 wave vertical using the mind set from the below you tube video. HtT]o0}WG{*m
]6UijPRikctZ \s=b9hX37{$Qp 9. Small Business. fastened the elements directly to a piece of pressure-treated wood using Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. A Hawaii-based Amateur Radio Antenna Blog focusing on the theory, design, and use of homemade antennas. H*22530P Acc#s;9K3P%+ O
40m but it is a big comprimise there, and somewhat on 20m but akiller on 10, 12, 15 and 17m! Miniductor #3013.Being cheap, I used regular #14 house wire without https://bigislandarrlnews.com. antenna have had great success with it.Although not mentioned in the