You cannot paste images directly. Difficulty Level Differences Master Mage while training axe/flying, then go Wyvern Rider at Level 20. Screenshots might include images of enemies or story-related classes. Even Leonie, who was incredibly def blessed and my only unit with significant def,crumpled thanks to 60+ Attack with 40+ AS coming in. I thought it would be nice to have examples of teams/builds that people used as they beat the game and for those examples to be easily accessible. Overall, not bad and I only wish I could have had him from the beginning to see what else could be done with him for the short time I had him. If you are new to the game, in case youre not aware, please bear in mind that playing the game using DLC can be significantly easier than without, depending on how much dlc content was used. Maybe her strength in Axes and the fact she obtains an axe relic are clues to head in that direction for the end game. SmuG's experience is probably closer to normal. It'sa fair point that on NG runs in particular, you should be looking to maximise the effectiveness of each unit in the context of their house, which means that Annette should be one of your go-to magic attackers until at least Ch. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. tony cloninger net worth; You can make ballpark estimations for expected stat growth by looking at the growth rates for individual classes and making an educated guess at how long each unit will be in each class. Ferdinand and Sylvain would do better as Wyvern Lord than Paladin. +10-20 hit/crit/mt etc. It's also much stronger on the BL route, since you gain access to the Crusher. I intended to use every house member and to use classes that would allow them to get to or near to S+ weapons ranks without overly tedious grinding so I didn't go off the beaten path from their proficiencies very much. Are tournament prizes a once/month thing? I also use this sometimes when I want to send in a unit to safely dispatch a bothersome enemy deep behind enemy lines. Her HP is ridiculously low. Press J to jump to the feed. Surprised you made both Dimitri and Felix into Snipers/Bow Knights. She was immediately a powerful physical contender and actually could make enemies ping off of her at end game, while not being doubled. Cavalier and Paladin were important for the times I wanted an extra rider, which were many. If you want a Crit build, I would go with WarMaster. Mid: - Ingrid in particular needs to immediately get into an advanced tier class at level 20 in case her strength is lagging to shore up her strength. Sniper's probably best for Maddening, but I have the most fun with Wyvern Lord Ashe. Everyone else needed to do hit and run. Dancing, Rally, Warp. If youre like me, sometimes a player wants to try something different or just something they enjoy and just wants to know that it wont be such a bad idea that itll make a run impossible. Mid: Damage/Healing Ashe also isn't a terrible pick for Dancer, as he's around for Chapter 13. I also gave her Dancer, so her Avo with a Sword was around 120. Sadly, I lost her in the 2nd to last turn of the final battle and was too exhausted to do it over so had to accept her as a fallen hero . Bolt Axe+ outdamages and outranges her spells. She's also one of the units who got a lot of use out of unlocking Armor Knight. Before this, I had only beaten Crimson Flower on Normal difficulty. Joshua Moore Surprised you made both Dimitri and Felix into Snipers/Bow Knights. Unfortunately, he didn't have any utility beyond that or the ability to survive enemy phase, so canto and huge range was a godsend on him. Good speed and dex means he gets powerful double hits, and his crest triggers quite frequently. Byleth: Lv45 War Cleric. Class Progression: Mage>Dark Mage>Warlock>Dark Knight Hilda! The main ones are as followed. To trade all that away for say Lysithea simply because her spells hit harder sounds like a loss to me. Hilda -, Class Progression: Brigand(mastery skill) > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord They'd usually leave enemies barely alive, just like Lysithea did in the late game. I think I'd rather go for Dark Knight, so that I can make Mercedes my Gremory. The other question that tends to nag me as someone trying Maddening for the first time, is "okay, xyz may be the best build for said character, but does that mean they'll be useless if I try something different? I have never been so impressed with a unit in my entire life. Alternatively I could just rely on Battalion Vantage/Wrath. He was even vital for Death Knight kills, but he sadly fell off. Congrats on your first Maddening. Working in tandem with Leonie and Caspar, she mopped up anything that was an enemy ranged attacker with relative ease, safely out of their range. This one unlock turned her into an enemy phase machine during the first few chapters who could take on either physical or magical enemies, laugh off their damage, and either kill or come close to it. How important is it to actually stick to one build over another?" It's too far gone into the haze. As the game progresses Rally Speed is often no longer enough to stop units from getting doubled, let alone doubling units they otherwise wouldn't. He can even take some hits from mages but not a lot. It can also show real examples of the role that progression paths and/or rng can have on your final stats. Marianne -, Class Progression: Priest > Bishop > Valkyrie > Holy Knight(unlock) Minor Spoiler Alert: Inevitably these builds will have some minor spoilers like revealing story-related unique classes. Going a few extra levels to get a valuable skill is more than worth it, it's like early promoting in other FE games, sure you technically lose potential but the advantage you get is far more worth it. But what about Wyvern Lord? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Not uncommon for Felix but I certainly haven't seen that often for Dimitri. I like to use Annette as a Wyvern Lord, so she can make good use of her Hero's Relic, "Crusher" on Azure Moon, or make good use of Bolt Axes outside of Azure Moon. Feels like an important note if anyone wanted to use it as a guide. She had some rather unfortunate levels and never really grew as powerful as I had seen her become before. Shamir: Lv46 Sniper. I can add them later on if desired but they are still on theSwitch. End: Healing, Magic Tank. During Ch12, after taking the first 2-3 turns to defeat the enemies in the castle walls, I used stride on her and sent her down the middle, past the castle walls and into the set of trees near Randolph. She does well as a Gremory. Especially because brigand leveling will give her important stat boosts. Her hit rates won't be perfect, but this can be shored up by the Accuracy Ring, certain batallions, and Lancebreaker (and, of course, Axe Prowess). She does her job super well. Just thinking about trying my first run on Maddening, after beating it with Hard Classic for the first time. Attached are screenshots of some my characters in Ch12 (a real build should include full team). I don't know why people say she's a weak mage, she can ORKO most enemies in my run but I haven't reached the end yet. I've seen people swear by how awesome she is as a Wyvern Rider/Lord and how she can OHKO using LIghtning Axe (including the latest builds submission by @Graveless. No questions asked. Felix always hits hard and fast. Early: Damage- Dedue is slow and magically-vulnerable, a bad combo in late AM. And I think the answer depends on many things including play style, what people set as their bar for what constitutes a "strong" build, maybe even rng during level ups. She often provided a powerful gambit attack and a few powerful key long range attacks on each map she was on and the Tomefaire + x2 casts were wonderful for that. I decided to stay at Warlock because more move didn't really benefit the way I was using her in any capacity. A link will be provided that takes you to each build. Anything you feel is important/relevant or just want to mention. Choose Based on Abilities and Stats Three Houses' Maddening mode is an extremely difficult mode made for the die-hard fans of the series. By the end, Byleth was an Assassin or Swordmaster to optimize speed or crit over several points of Defense and Resistance from their Unique Master class. Mercedes -, Class Progression: Monk > Mage > Bishop > Gremory Mid: Healing, Magic Tank, Damage- Some units may be strong but contrast with another unit and may be pushed lower on the tier or higher. Bishop also has the 2x white magic uses. Many mages can check multiple boxes from this list. In this episode, which takes place in Chapter 19 and covers The Silver Maiden (the Dimitri paralogue) and Saving Derdriu, Cyril has uncomfortable questions, . Nothing much else to say. Healing:Can heal people. On my current run I went mage -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord along with training authority so she can rally and use good battalions (she had cichols wyverns by part 2). In writing about Hitchcock, Welles, Bergman, Truaut, Bresson . Mid: Healer/Chip Damage Early: Damage/Healing Brawling Prowess Lv5, Fistfaire, Brawl Crit +10, Death Blow, Hit +20, Final Lv 36: Highest Stats Str 35, Spd 35, Primary Items: Dragon Claws, Killer Knuckles+, Silver Gauntlets+, Battalion: Supreme Armored Co. +7PAtk, +6MAtk, +5Hit, -10Avo, +6Prt, +5Rsl, +10Cha. Now we have an actual +Mag Flying Battalion for her to equip. All of the resources got fed into units capable of doing that. I didn't tried to made him the bow archer as then I lose some skills from Sniper and personally I never had Ashe going on his own so that I needed extra movement. As the game progresses Rally Speed is often no longer enough to stop units from getting doubled, let alone doubling units they otherwise wouldn't. I know I fed some of the mag boosters to her, but most of my gardening was spent patching up Byleth, Catherine, and Ingrid's Strength. Her Reason list isn't even that bad, it's just not 'core mage' material (and it needs to be on someone with higher Mag growth than Annette, due to the low Mt of wind spells). If you're hooked on a feeling, Brigand -> Sniper. Class Progression: Brigand(mastery skill) > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord Other useful information can be about equipment setup and battalions. How exactly is Lightning Axe killing a significant amount more enemies than spells do? I prefer lord. The latter category will pretty consistently be out of your reach - you aren't likely to have more than one unit who won't get doubled by sword users/fliers even when you use rallies/dance on them, and there will be enough speedy units around for you to expect that lots of your army will have to engage them. Here was mine: Ingrid was really my MVP. End: Healing. By the time I got into late 20s level he had already mastered Sniper also and got hunters volley and oh my he was one shooting everything and everyone. But it's also an example of looking at characters in isolation. Vantage tanks need to also be Damage because they only work if they can keep one rounding everything(they also tend to die to gambits and siege). armed forces vacation club for veterans 082 825 4557; welsh keith brymer jones wife For Annette I went the classic way to get her being a Gremory (Monk, Mage, Warlock and Gremory), gave her always the better magic staff that increase magic and she was destroying. Oh, that's where the extra -1 hit comes from, the str boost affecting weight and AS. But shes quick to die in one hit. But anyway, even amongst standard builds, there's still some variety and depending on which post/comments you read you might not get that impression. Dedue was a godsend early on. Eventually, I swapped back to a real class, once the dodge tanks had fully come online and I didn't need extra healing anymore.
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