Be very careful with that book. A veteran of the Florida War. [11], Five of the most important Seminole chiefs, including Micanopy of the Alachua Seminole, did not agree to removal. POLLY Ann (Coppinger) Powell 1769/71 Osceolas grandfather ( William Powells father ) was Absolam Powell the 1st. The Black Seminoles: History of a Freedom-Seeking People. So far i have not found anything. In 1814, after the Red Stick Creek were defeated by United States forces, Polly took Osceola and moved with other Creek refugees from Alabama to Florida, where they joined the Seminole. Hepsy Homarty ( DP Note- William Powells child only) When Hernandez and his entourage reached the camp, they promptly seized Osceola and the warriors, women and children present. Passed after strenuous debate in Congress (Representative David Crockett of Tennessee opposed it), the act mandated exchange of tribal lands in the South for territory west of the Mississippi River. MOTHER: POLLY Ann (Coppinger) Powell 1769/71 married 3X. Osceola County derives its name from Billy Powell, Osceola County is a county rich in history and life. This is a wonderful journey. With them, he had at least five children. Your Privacy Rights The Croatan Indians of Sampson County, North Carolina. Thank you for any help! Hi, I am really interested in Kathrine Frasers Parents. Known throughout his youth as Billy Powell, Osceolas early life remains relatively obscure.In 1813, armed conflict broke out among various Creek tribes in Alabama, expanding to disputes between whites and Creeks. Text first and let me know who you are and I will reply. Osceola (1804 January 30, 1838, Asi-yahola in Creek), named Billy Powell at birth in Alabama, became an influential leader of the Seminole people in Florida. My telephone number is (662)596-5938. His Creek mother, Polly Copinger, was married to Englishman William Powell. Kind of difficult as I live in Mississippi and far away from our people. In December 1835, during what became known as the Second Seminole War (1835-42), Osceola and a band of followers ambushed and killed a government agent, Wiley Thompson, and several others. In retaliation, the US Indian agent, Wiley Thompson, declared that those chiefs were deposed from their positions. Cookie Policy Because the Creek have a matrilineal kinship system, Polly and Anns other children were all considered to be born into their mothers clan; they were reared as traditional Creek and gained their status from their mothers people. (LogOut/ The village site, now the city of Tallassee, Alabama, was located on the banks of the Tallapoosa River about 20 miles (32km) upstream from Fort Toulouse where the Tallapoosa and the Coosa rivers meet to form the Alabama River. The process of "pulling" the first mold, which was soon displayed in the window of a Charleston drugstore, destroyed the original cast. 1. After being captured under a false flag of truce, Osceola died a prisoner of the US Army at Fort Moultrie in January 1838. As US relations with the Seminole deteriorated, Thompson forbade the sale of guns and ammunition to them. In 1821, the United States acquired Florida from Spain. 1798-ab 1855. Osceola's mother was Muscogee, and his great-grandfather was a Scotsman, James McQueen. Thank you for making sure I got that message. According to the oral tradition of his descendants, Dr. Frederick Weedon was alone with the body and cut off Osceola's head, placing it in the coffin with the scarf that Osceola had customarily worn being wrapped around the neck, and immediately before the funeral ceremony removed the head and shut the coffin's lid. * Betty Wadford- a long time Osceola researcher -Missouri was her 3X Chief Osceola (Billy Powell): During the Second Seminole War, Osceola led a small group of Seminole warriors, when the United States tried to remove the tribe from their lands in Florida. - Fort Moultrie, Sullivans Island, Charleston, South Carolina, USA,
, Chekika Polly Ann Powell (born Coppinger). As a child, Osceola went by the name Billy Powell, but later he fully embraced the identity of his adopted tribe, the Seminoles of Florida. I know they had my 3x Great Grandfather John Wesley Powell. Osceola is in out Powell Family History Book. When he was a child, they migrated to Florida with other Red Stick refugees, led by a . University of Florida Press, 1996. [12][7]:1028, On October 21, 1837, Osceola and 81 of his followers were captured by General Joseph Hernndez on the orders of General Thomas Jesup, under a white flag of truce, when they went for peace talks to Fort Peyton near St. Thompson considered Osceola to be a friend, and gave him a rifle. Is this near where any of your ancestors lived? During purification rites, a Seminole warrior drinks a black purgative liquid brewed from yaupon holly leaves. Owen Edwards is a freelance writer and author of the book Elegant Solutions. I WAS Informed that Chief Osceola is our great, great, great grandfather. His brother, Luther Frank Powell passed away in the early 1990s and Polly a few years later. Osceola had risen to prominence as a Seminole leader when he refused to accept the Indian Removal Actlegislation proposed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Mishall, John and Mary Lou Mishall (2004). or Selena (unreliable source) Fraser 1739 Still at Fort Moultrie, Osceolas grave provides a site to reflect on the life and times of this significant historical figure. This is an anglicized form of the Creek Asi-yahola, the combination of asi, the ceremonial black drink made from the yaupon holly, and yahola, meaning shout or shouter. He was born to Polly. (neither was the father of Nathan Grover Rhoden B. She grew up in Fair Bluff, NC. Sunnie/Sanee (Powell) Rhoden 1798- about 1855 FactSnippet No. This peaked my interest and I began researching Osceola and found a few interesting points. The fort's current . More European-American settlers started moving in, encroaching on the Seminole. yrs. Over time, these various groups living in Florida, mostly of Creek and Hitchiti background, came to be called Sim-in-oli, or wild in the Muskogee language; this phrase was later Anglicized into Seminole. And the family history stops short at her name, listing her as a Redstick Creek, Name Kathrine Fraser. What Ive ascertained thus far is that James McQueen punched his commanding officer in the Royal Navy and jumped ship and swam back to land. By 1885, the death mask and some of Osceola's belongings were being held in the anthropology collection of the Smithsonian Institution. Because the Muscogee had a matrilineal kinship system, Polly and Ann's children were all born into their mother's clan. If anyone has a better possibility, add it below. Osceola's capture by deceit caused a national uproar. My family is also related to the William Powell heritage were you able to find any information? Born Billy Powell, Osceola took refuge in Florida as a child, after his tribe was defeated in the Creek Wars. Created in 1887, Osceola County is a 1,506 square mile area that serves as the south/central boundary of the Central Florida greater metropolitan area. ( havent read last one but have seen quotes from it ). Does anyone have any information on the exact day Osceola was born in 1804? Her name is Lousanna Harjo. Osceola quickly proved to be a talented tactician and capable leader. wonder if we are related I was told he is my great grand uncle as well [7]:825, Thompson considered Osceola to be a friend and gave him a rifle. Sant, Claudio. Isaac Brown and myself, with a party of friendly Creeks and Uchees, made him a prisoner in 1818, and he was then but a lad." Strange to say, the General is silent as to the boy's offense. Mott placed it in his collection at the Surgical and Pathological Museum. 2-4 kids. After his humiliating imprisonment, Osceola secretly prepared vengeance against Thompson. Holatta Micco (Billy Bowlegs) led the Seminole Tribe through the last days of the Seminole struggle against removal. Thank you very much. One of his wives was black, and Osceola fiercely opposed the enslavement of free people. I am trying to connect with our People and learn about our culture. Create a free website or blog at In adulthood, as part of the Seminole, Powell was given his name Osceola. Husband #1 died/killed. Brother of Hepsy Homarty Powell; Maurnee Powell; Santee Powell; James L Powell; Thomas A Powell and 6 others; Emeline A Powell; Mary Jane Powell; Rachel Coppinger Powell; Lucy Powell; Sanee Powell and Charles Powell less The tradition of passing the name down stopped there due to very trivial matters. [4]:172 Weedon kept the head for himself, as well as other objects belonging to Osceola, including a brass pipe and a silver concho. Williams 2 kids: 1. Born Billy Powel in 1804, Osceola was a Creek Indian of mixed heritage who joined the Seminole tribe only after his family was forced to flee their home in Alabama at the hands of U.S. military. Chekika Married John WilliamPowell (Chufi Hadjo) during the Wars our family went to Florida to stay with Chekikas Cousin of the Seminole. The legendary warrior is also the symbol of Florida State University in Tallahassee. Osceola's early life is largely unknown. Thanks! Coacoochees escape prompted Jesup to transfer the most important Seminole captives out of the area. Hello, Hensci, Estonko? She is buried in Rowan Memorial Park Cemetery in Salisbury, NC. The Muscogee Creek were among the Indigenous peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands, and some of them held enslaved black people. I moved a lot and reside in Northeast Mississippi. Osceola claimed this and that he was Tuhkabatchee. Id love to hear more from some of you. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, signed by President Andrew Jackson, posed the greatest threat to Osceolas desire for Seminole autonomy. Together James and Katherine had Peter McQueen Talmuches Hodjo, Mico of the Tallassees. He acquired the name Osceola in young adulthood. Born in Tallassee, Alabama, in 1804, Powell (hereafter Osceola) was of mixed blood. Osceolas camp, located one mile south of Fort Peyton, raised a white flag of truce in order to signal their desire to negotiate. CHILD: Ann Nancy Powell 1747 m Don Jose Coppinger, 1730 gov of E Fl State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, Hildas daughter was Diana Sarah Wragg {born abt. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 6 Jan 1872 Gaineyville (St. George), GA -D 18 Jul 1946 Baxter, FL My line His father-unknown/death certificate. 1780-1849). A pair of woven, beaded garters reflects the spirit of Seminole warrior Osceola. In late December 1837, Osceola, Micanopy, Philip and about 200 Seminoles embarked from St. Augustine for Fort Moultrie on Sullivans Island, outside Charleston, South Carolina. Polly was the daughter of Ann McQueen and Jose Coppinger. He identified himself as an Indian, says Ccile Ganteaume, an NMAI curator and organizer of the Infinity of Nations exhibition. Billy was all of these." When I told him, Billy Powell he relayed a brief history of Osceola. Betty Wadford has always listed Katherine Fraser as the mother. 1815, died 1884} (a mulatto Creek Indian) from Charleston, South Carolina who was married (although not allowed by law in S.C) to Thomas Lowndes Wragg, who was a prominent commercial trader on the wharfs of Charleston, Osceola had been captured and was taken to Charleston, S.C. where he was imprisoned at Fort Moultrie on Sullivans Island. [7]:8, In 1814, after the Red Stick Muscogee Creeks were defeated by United States forces, Polly took Osceola and moved with other Muscogee refugees from Alabama to Florida, where they joined the Seminole. I think the Creek Indians were in the swamp because no one would go after them in that swamp. George Catlin and other prominent painters met the war chief and persuaded him to allow his picture to be painted. We would then know for certain of the connection and that William Powell was, in fact, Osceolas biological father. [4]:178 Weedon apparently preserved Osceola's head in a large jar of alcohol and took it to St. Augustine,[4]:181 where he exhibited it in the family drugstore. The second paragraph says that, Like his father, Billys maternal grandfather James McQueen was a trader. Wouldnt that be Billys maternal great-grandfather (ie, Pollys maternal grandfather)? All the Powells were born and raised in the south Alabama Florida panhandle area and lived in the Troy as well as Montgomery, Tallassee and Franklin Alabama areas. FNU Dowling 2.Fleming Beasley-spouse #2 m. 1892 My LINE About Billy Powell (Chief Osceola) Osceola, the most well-known leader of the Seminole Indians, was born in 1804, in a Creek town near Tallassee, present-day Tuskegee, Alabama. Also looking for our band of ancestors and a tribal number. [7], Billy Powell's maternal grandfather, James McQueen, was a ship-jumping Scottish sailor who in 1716 became the first recorded white person to trade with the Muscogee Creek Confederacy in Alabama. I have been told all my life that we are related to Osceola but now I want to know my Granny was from Eldorenda Ga I am from Fla so now I want to know I favor him I have the lines on my face he has and I have his cheek bones so yes I really want to know. Born in Alabama in 1804, Powell adopted the name Osceola, which means "black drink . All information seems to be true except that of Rachel Rhoden being the daughter of Sanee Powell. Jesup suffered a loss of reputation that lasted for the rest of his life; his betrayal of the truce flag has been described as "one of the most disgraceful acts in American military history. I am trying to find out what day Osceola was born. Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture. These two events, along with the Battle of Withlacoochee on December 31 and raids on sugar plantations in East Florida in early 1836, marked the beginning of the Second Seminole War. [4]:135 The United States first imprisoned him at Fort Marion in St. Augustine, then transported him to Fort Moultrie in Charleston, South Carolina. After early military skirmishes and the signing of the 1823 Treaty of Moultrie Creek, by which the US seized the northern Seminole lands, Osceola and his family moved with the Seminole deeper into the unpopulated wilds of central and southern Florida. He was reared by his mother in the Creek (Muscogee) tradition. Osceola was born in 1804 in the village of Tallassee, Alabama around current Macon County. For almost two years, he led a band of warriors in resistance against the United States during the second Seminole war. 16 When he was a child, they migrated to Florida with other Red Stick refugees, led by a . But his Seminole designationOsceolaresonates in the annals of Native American history and the nations folklore. He married Katherine Redstick Fraser, the Daughter of Chief (Mico) Eagle Wings of Tuhkabatchee. m. Che-Cho Ter (Morning Dew), 3. Because of the chief's significance, over time some people have created forgeries of Osceola's belongings. Ive spent 5 exhausting months searching night and Day for the answers. I am Benjamin Powell,Osceola Billy Powell is my 4x Great Grandfather and His wife Peoka Powell is my 4x Great Grandmother. *Osceola two wives SOURCE: McNeer (42) Osceola was named Billy Powell at birth in 1804 in the Creek village of Talisi, now known as Tallassee, Alabama, in current Elmore County. Osceola's mother, Polly Copinger, gave birth to Osceola during her marriage to a British trader named William Powell. 6. "Osceola" is anglicized Creek for Asi-yahola which is usually translated into . Osceola and his mother were one of many Creek families displaced after the Creek War of 1813-1814. The process of relocating native peoples to territories as far west as Oklahoma was favored by the American government, especially General Andrew Jackson.In the years following initial resistance to relocation, including the First Seminole War, 1817-1818, Osceola became an outspoken advocate for Seminole rights. (Bk SOURCE below. In 1836, Osceola led a small group of warriors in the Seminole resistance during the Second Seminole War, when the United States tried to remove the tribe from their lands in Florida to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. A 19th-century lithograph depicting Osceolabased on a portrait painted from life by artist George Catlin in 1838records the warriors elaborate wardrobe, including a feathered hat, embroidered sash andhanging around his neckthree crescent-shaped ceremonial metal gorgets, reminiscent of European knightly armor. General Jesup's treacherous act and the administration were condemned by many congressional leaders and vilified by international press. But, the most common interpretation of Osceola means the "Rising Sun". Like his father, Billys maternal grandfather James McQueen was a trader; in 1714 he was the first European to trade with the Creek in Alabama. Ann McQueen was also mixed-race Muscogee Creek; her father, James McQueen, was Scottish. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory, Capt. Powell was believed to have ancestors from all of these groups. By 1885, the death mask and some of Osceolas belongings ended up in the anthropology collection of the Smithsonian Institution, where they are still held. I look identical to Osceolas Bust Death mask in St. AUGUSTINE, Fl. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ann was probably the sister or aunt of Peter McQueen, a prominent Muscogee leader and warrior. We are direct descendants of James Powell, William Powells brother. Ann was likely the sister or aunt of Peter McQueen, a prominent Creek leader and warrior. Osceola led the Seminole war resistance until he was lied to during peace talks and captured in September 1837. My e-mail is or can text me at319-931-4429. His skill as a speaker, prowess in battle, and staunch opposition to removal, led him to becoming a prominent warrior, and he often acted as a spokesmen for Abiaka. I have chased the Rachel Rhoden to Sanee/Sanse/Santee/Sunnie Powell (Osceolas sister?) She married after the birth of her last child. . 1. CHILD: Polly Ann Moniac Coppinger 1769 m John William Powell, Sr.1761 If you were to add your DNA results to Ancestry, hopefully, Tim Powell would show up as a match as a cousin of some sort. of Florida. In 1800 John Canaday (Osceolas brother in law) traveled up the St. Marys River and built a cabin near what is now Moniac. Putting his beliefs into action, he gathered fellow Seminoles in opposition against forced removal during the Second Seminole War, 1835-1842, willing to go against both whites and other natives who cooperated with whites. Osceolas Legacy by Patricia Wickman (Osceola expert), CH 2, p. 52) In 1979 the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma bought Osceola's bandolier and other personal items from a Sotheby's auction. well, Nathan Powell, Stephen Powell, Silas Powell, Missouri Canaday, Sarah Ann Powell, Sanse Rhoden (born Powell), Sanee Sunnie Jane Powe Jan 30 1838 - Fort Moultrie Charleston, SC, 1801 - Tallassee, Elmore, Alabama (Creek Village), Jan 30 1838 - Ft. Moultrie, Charleston, South Carolina, John William "chufi Hadjo" Powell, Polly Ann Moniac "chekkika" Powell (born Coppinger), Chechator Morning Dew Cloud (Che Cho Ter) Powell (born Thompson), Jan 20 1838 - Ft. Moultrie, Charleston, SC. She is Saris great grandmother. There is or was a Powell Family History Book? Oil on canvas portrait of Seminole Chief, Osceola (born Billy Powell) dressed in colorful robes, a headband holding three feathers and three ceremonial gorgets hanging around his neck. I am apart of the Canaday line, Sari being my direct connection. His mother Polly Coppinger was daughter of Ann McQueen who was part Muscokgee. I would love to find out for sure if we are descendants of the great Chief Osceola! ell, Charles Powell, Stephen Powell, Silas Powell, Missouri Canaday, Sarah Ann Powell, Sanse Rhoden (born Powell), Santee 'sunnie 1801 - Ecunhutkee, Tallassee, Georgia, USA, Jan 30 1838 - Fort Moultrie, Charleston, SC, USA, John William Powell, Polly Ann Moniac Powell (born Coppinger), arah Ann Powell, Missouri Sarie Powell, Sanee Jane Benet (born Powell), Sanee Powell, Hepsy Homarty Powell, James L Powell, Emeline A Powell, Tallassee, Elmore County, AL, United States, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, United States, Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island, Charleston County, South Carolina, United States, South Carolina with Counties, Towns and Communities Project, Alabama with Counties, Cities, and Towns Project, Florida with Counties, Cities, and Towns Project, William "billy, Osceola Or Black Drink Singer" Nikkanochee Powell, Death of Billy Powell (Chief Osceola) at Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island, Charleston County, South Carolina, United States.
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