The proposals make it clear that assessment is an integral part of learning and teaching and should not be conflated with external accountability and national monitoring activities. Assessment plays a fundamental role in enabling each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. VENDRE! Assessment must be an ongoing process that is embedded within day-to-day planning and practice as it is fundamental to the learning process. The Institute of British Sign Language (iBSL) surrenders CCEA The key principles that are essential for meaningful learning for all learners in the period of learning leading to progression step 1. In the Curriculum for Wales, progression for 3-16 year olds will occur along a single continuum of learning. towards September 2022: what you need to know and do - GOV.WALES Children will continue to be assessed and this will focus on ensuring that all pupils understand where they are and what they need to do next in order to progress. Assessment plays a fundamental role in ensuring each individual learner is supported and challenged accordingly. This resource is designed to be 'student-led', which means that the onus is on the pupil when completing the work. This is important to help them: spot any issues or extra support they need. The first teaching of all year groups from primary school to Year 7 will begin in September 2022 and the new curriculum will roll out year-on-year from this point. The new guidance explains that the new curriculum puts a greater emphasis on preparing young people for life in an ever . This resource is designed to engage practitioners in structured discussions to develop their understanding of learning progression and of the links between this and approaches to assessment. engage with the providers of funded non-maintained nursery education whereby learners transition from a setting to their school, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue, engage with PRUs to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue. 6 Areas of Learning and Experience from 3 to 16, 3 cross curriculum responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence, progression reference points at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16. achievement outcomes which describe expected achievements at each progression reference point. The school raises the level of resilience and aspiration by setting homework projects each term to support pupils' learning. Each school will choose specific means to implement practice that identifies and addresses any needs of individual learners for additional challenge or support. These decisions should be guided by: In developing arrangements to enable professional dialogue between practitioners for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression, we recommend that leaders begin by considering what relationships and structures are already in place within and across their schools/settings which can evolve, be adapted or improved. The Draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 The Gregynog sisters. This should be an ongoing process that recognises the diverse needs of all learners and supports each individual in their learning journey. Curriculum for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 years: Book 2 DOWNLOAD ALL Identifying key chemistry skills The chemistry skills template (progression step 4) offers a template and example, summarising the skills developed during progression step 4, as outlined in the curriculum planning support document. UPDATE: Now includes LNF and DCF Steps 1, 2 and 3. The understanding a practitioner has of each individual learner, gained from assessment, is essential in supporting this process. Since the publication of the Curriculum for Wales 2022 the teaching profession across Wales has had the opportunity to reflect on its current practice and consider how this might change when delivering a purpose-led curriculum. They will also have an important role in helping to identify and share good practice. This relationship at the local, regional, and national level will help bring coherence as schools and settings engage with and enact Curriculum for Wales and it evolves within schools and settings. Focus on how to take the pedagogy of the Foundation Phase into Key Stage 2, and begin to use new terminology for the phases; PS1, PS2, and PS3. *Formative assessment is mainly undertaken with learners during the learning process to explore how they are progressing and to identify achievements, as well as to identify areas where their learning may need to develop further. When developing these processes, consideration should be given to using a wide variety of different communication means, for example, face-to-face, digital or written. Explore the pedagogy required to prepare for and implement the new curriculum and compare this to current practice. Progression steps will now be in place at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 relating to broad expectations of a childs progress. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Practitioners should use descriptions of learning to develop a wide range of assessment approaches that help determine whether and how progress is being made. Progression Steps and how they complement each other. Published: 28/02/2023, 10:00am. Matomo cookies This professional dialogue is important to: To support this ongoing professional dialogue, all those participating in discussions should do so on an equal basis with practitioners sharing and reflecting on their own experiences of the learning process and of supporting learners to progress. They both must therefore be able to consider whether assessment arrangements are delivering the required purpose, to support learner progression, and to evaluate whether schools are using the assessment information, as part of their evaluation and improvement processes, in the right way to improve effectiveness. Effective transition is about supporting all learners along the learning continuum, as they move between different groups, different classes, different years and different settings. Progress and next steps will be . Ofsted research review | PACEY Who has developed the assessment proposals? Despite this, music education in Wales did not exist before the early years of the 20th century. The priorities for discussions across an academic term/school year, ensuring that progression across the full breadth of the curriculum is covered appropriately on an ongoing basis. They also have a role in establishing processes which support the engagement and involvement of EOTAS settings with primary and secondary schools or PRUs with whom they have relationships due to the movement of learners between them. This will give practitioners the ability to come together nationally to discuss progression in Curriculum for Wales. The new achievement outcomes for each progression step will not be used to make best fit judgements. The Curriculum for Wales is the curriculum which will be taught at all levels of state-funded education in Wales to pupils aged three to sixteen years by 2026. This should include both immediate next steps and longer-term objectives and goals that the learner should work towards to help keep them moving forward in their learning. Supporting learner progression assessment guidance. There is a new curriculum in Wales which will be mandatory from September 2022. Schools and settings should develop and implement processes to support effective two-way communication and engagement with parents and carers. More information on each of these main participants is detailed below. The importance of play and playful learning, being outdoors, observation and authentic and purposeful learning. Effective self-evaluation will involve schools and settings reflecting on their approaches to planning, developing and implementing curriculum and assessment arrangements, to ensure they are supporting learner progression. Schools and settings should plan a range of assessment methods and techniques that are fit-for-purpose and support progression across the breadth of the curriculum. Active engagement between the learner and practitioner on a regular basis is at the heart of supporting learner progression. Listening for meaning. Schools can use our assessment frameworks to help prepared for the new Curriculum for Wales 2022. This statutory guidance should be read in conjunction with the rest of the Curriculum for Wales guidance on curriculum design and implementation. Curriculum for Wales 2022 Following a comprehensive curriculum review, the Welsh Government has developed an exciting new curriculum that aims to create a successful and exciting future for all the children and young people of Wales. engage with non-PRU EOTAS providers to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue. Curriculum for Wales | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES Assessment is intrinsic to curriculum design and its overarching purpose within the curriculum is to support every learner to make progress. It may also be appropriate for leaders to put arrangements in place which allows practitioners from their school/setting to participate in professional dialogue with representatives from various settings or sectors together for example, a primary school may wish to invite relevant funded non-maintained nursery settings to contribute to school cluster meetings or schools may meet through cross-cluster arrangements. It will be important for all practitioners to familiarise themselves with the detail. The principles of progression can offer schools an organising framework and shared narrative for their communications with parents and carers. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. This guidance covers key processes needed for effective learner progression, namely: This guidance has been developed to take the needs of all learners into account and recognises that their identity, language, ability, background and prior learning, as well as the support they may need, will differ according to their particular circumstances. Assessment and the new curriculum | Curriculum for Wales Blog They will explore how the aims, content and assessment of qualifications can be designed to support the Curriculum for Wales Framework, including the principles of assessment outlined in this guidance. At each progression step, schools and settings should not undertake specific assessment activities that are designed to make a judgement. The data from this cookie is anonymised. Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. This should be informed by a good understanding of child development. Reflecting on a learners progress over time will enable practitioners to provide feedback and help plan their future learning, including any interventions, additional support or challenge that may be required. The following must have regard to the guidance when making arrangements for assessing children and pupils: Assessment is a fundamental part of Curriculum for Wales and is integral to the process of learning. For further support, please see Annex 1. In terms of individual learner information, schools and settings must share information with parents and carers about: Sharing individual learner information with parents and carers must be done at least termly and need not be contained in large written reports but fed back in the best format determined by the head teacher. This may include specialist educational support and support from other agencies (for example health services), provide information about learning progression that has taken place and been assessed in other contexts (for example for learners in joint placements between a school and another setting). We've saved some files called cookies on your device. Estyn also have a duty to inspect in accordance with the legislation. Some of these may be specific to individual areas of learning and experience (Areas), some may apply across more than one Area and others may be specific to learners with additional needs. (LogOut/ In addition, there is a Literacy and Numeracy Framework and a Digital Competency Framework which will embed literacy, numeracy and digital skills throughout all curriculum areas. Is your school or setting involved in relevant, If your school/setting would benefit from further support when accessing the Camau AFTF workshops, your. School curriculum overhaul for Wales published - BBC News . Dialogue informed by the information that flows from assessing learner progress can help build a shared understanding of progression within and across schools to ensure progress is being made at an appropriate pace and learning and teaching is providing appropriate challenge and support for all learners. Discussions between schools and settings beyond the cluster helps support coherence across the education system, supporting equity in the provision for learners. LASZLO FEDOR CURRICULUM for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 year It takes the form of a series of six workshops, with support materials, designed to be used by groups of practitioners who will work as a community of enquiry to develop their understanding of progression across the curriculum and, thus, build their capacity in their own context to plan and use assessment approaches which support learning progression. The new continuum has progression steps, reference points that relate broadly to expectations at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 years of age. However, information that flows from assessing learner progress can contribute to the evidence of learner progress in a school, both its extent and pace, and will be used to support the professional dialogue needed to underpin self-evaluation processes. (LogOut/ As part of the exercise you will be asked for your thoughts on the proposals themselves, how they can be refined, and the support you feel you will need to turn the high level principles into a reality. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. Education in Wales - Wikipedia This guidance concerns assessment, which is focused on supporting learner progression. Twinkl Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Mathematics and Numeracy. At whatever point a learner enters a school or setting, practitioners should ensure they understand where they are in their learning and the progression they have made to date. Create confident and capable mathematicians with accessible explanations and. This is your chance to get to know the new curriculum and make your contribution. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. In later years it will focus on working both independently and collaboratively. The four purposes are that all children and young people will be: Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. Head teachers and governing bodies of secondary schools and their feeder primary schools must work together to plan to support learner progression, with a focus on effective communication between practitioners, learners and their parents and carers. This incorporates biology, chemistry, physics,computer science anddesign and technology. For Progression step 1, Wales, it is thought that children aged 3-5 will be in this level. The Probability Practice Worksheets provide well crafted content that lifts the weight off the teacher's shoulders and instead puts the focus on the pupil getting great . The new curriculum will be introduced in all publicly funded nursery settings and primary schools this September. Mathematics and Numeracy: Principles of progression - Hwb Assessment will be part of your childs learning every day. How to use the curriculum planning support document is available as a pdf. Supporting materials on curriculum design, progression and assessment can be found on Hwb. The guidance is published pursuant to section 71 of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021. Our next step as a department is to consider progression within maths by looking at how students' understanding of key concepts develops over time. iBSL informed CCEA Regulation in January 2023 of its intention to surrender recognition in respect of all of . These changes are subject to completion of Senedd procedures regarding revisions to the statements of what matters Code. Learner progression along a continuum of learning from ages 3 to 16 is central to Curriculum for Wales. Staff know their pupils well. This annual report sets out the progress made to date in implementing these recommendations to reinforce the importance of teaching past and present experiences and contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities as part of the story of Wales across the curriculum. All maintained schools and settings using the new curriculum and assessment arrangements, ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives, enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work, ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. Curriculum for Wales: Maths AOLE - Geomaths UPDATE: Now each table includes a column on the right for your own tracking information. Curriculum for Wales (2022-present) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Curriculum for Wales is the curriculum which will be taught at all levels of state-funded education in Wales to pupils aged three to sixteen years by 2026. Four overarching aims guide the entire curriculum. The new Curriculum for Wales will be introduced in 2022 and is at the heart of an effort to ensure that children and young people in Wales have the best support and opportunities to be able to thrive for the future of Wales. Professional dialogue between practitioners within and across schools and settings must happen on an ongoing basis. Ensuring the well-being of all learners should be an important and integral part of the process, recognising the needs of individuals, while also supporting both continuity and progression in their learning. Curriculum for Wales Guidance - Twinkl This sets out the 3 phases that form the iterative process of curriculum design for schools and settings (engagement; designing, planning and trialling; and evaluation and preparing for first teaching). Supporting learners to make progress is a fundamental driver of Curriculum for Wales and is the overarching purpose of assessment. UPDATE: Now each table includes a column on the right for your own tracking information. Explore all your options and start planning your next steps. The statutory requirements for sharing information with parents and carers can be found in the summary of legislation section of the Curriculum for Wales guidance. There are a number of fundamental matters that schools and settings should consider when making assessment arrangements to support their curriculum and providing learning experiences in the classroom. Part of: Curriculum for Wales First published: 15 November 2021 Last updated: 15 November 2021 Documents Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website. While this guidance focuses on supporting learner progression from ages 3 to 16 as an integral part of learning and teaching, assessment for the purposes of awarding external qualifications is different in nature, as these have a greater level of external control and prescription. This should be achieved through: The role of the learner is to participate in and contribute to the learning process in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development. Providers of funded non-maintained nursery education are not expected to design their own assessment arrangements. More information can be found online. Additions and Changes to Curriculum Guidance - 30th September Local authorities and regional consortia have an important role in ensuring that all practitioners have an opportunity to participate in meaningful professional dialogue for the purposes of developing a shared understanding of progression. More detailed reviews of our curriculum will take place on a rolling basis over . Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Health and Wellbeing Health, . NEWS: Increase in Scarlet Fever in Wales / Cynnydd yn nifer yr achosion The Curriculum for Wales will then be . Progression and the Curriculum for Wales 2022 'Successful Futures' recommended a change from the current phases and key stages to a continuum of learning from 3 - 16 years old. PACEY. The principles of progression can provide schools and setting with an organising framework and shared focus for the type of information that may be relevant that is, information that reflects: School head teachers, teachers in charge of a unit, local authorities in relation to EOTAS other than in PRUs, and providers of FNNE should ensure that the information gathered on learner progression is proportionate and is used within the school or setting to directly support learner progression and inform teaching. These could include regular whole staff meetings, departmental meetings and cross-department groups. Donaldson Review: The 'purposes' and content of a Curriculum for Wales Progression in learning is a process of increasing depth, sophistication, engagement and learner control, rather than of covering a body of content. From September 2022 it is statutorily required in primary and nursery education. What structures and arrangements do you already have within your school or setting? International Women's Day in Wales Powerpoint (Teacher-Made) Assessment methods and techniques should be selected, and adapted where appropriate, according to the needs of the learner. When schools and settings design and review their curriculum, they should consider what arrangements can be put in place to ensure effective transition. As the new curriculum is built on progression, supporting learner progression is at the heart of the proposals. 01 March 2023. Our mission is to provide people with homes and specialist support so they feel more valued and secure, and ready to take the next steps. Our response to the scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales. Chemistry in Curriculum for Wales - planning support Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Legislation Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Sets out the 27 statements of what matters across the 6 areas of learning and experience. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Assessment is key to supporting deep learning and should be used to identify whether a learner needs to consolidate learning, whether further support is needed and/or whether the learner can progress to the next steps in learning. This will also support a schools self-evaluation processes, but should not be used for the purposes of external accountability.
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