If so they are using it as part of a disruption strategy. Jessica, Im obsessed with this post, so many interesting comments. Its all such a mess, and yet I cannot keep my eyes away from it. Having just gone over this historic royal crisis with another expert (psychic Kyra Oser) I am drawn to this part of your comment. I noticed you said the word suffocate was supplied by your guide. Ive always been a bit meh about Prince William (not the least because as a little girl I felt rather aggrieved that hed had the audacity to be born on my birthday) but I feel terribly sorry for him now and admire the lack of public response. Those early kings I mentioned had lots of sibling issues too, but surprisingly there were also some very close and loving siblings who supported one another when the chips were absolutely down- The Empress Matilda and her brother Robert of Gloucester immediately come to mind. The year 2020 was a tough one for the Royal family. I am also curious about the purchase of the latest splendid home, again from Russian connections. March 23rd is indeed the day for large trays of gin and tonic, as Pluto moves to 0 Aquarius and the astrological charts for the church and all the major players are triggered. Churchmen (again, the Archbishop of Canterbury) Yes, the entire inner circle of monarchy is triggered in March 2023, including the children. I had no idea this had happened. While being interviewed by Andrew Morton for a forthcoming program for Granada TV on the royals, Nick was asked in he considered Britain would become a republic. Ive been there many times and fabulous though it is, I find it odd that Harry considers it so central. Foreign agents Massive. For most of the time celebrity culture passes us by but now and then something is so wrong that it just does not let up in our consciousness. The second thing I wanted to mention was a clip I saw on Youtube yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel, mocking Harrys book and mentioning him crying to his mummy up on a cloud about his frost bitten willy. Thank you so much. Harry Styles is a born rebel One of the most notable things about Styles is that he is an icon yes, for his talent, but also because of his sense of eccentricity that breaks the mold.. It ends in March 2023. Bloodlines are part of that. The fact you have included it speaks volumes! North; South ; Harry Styles's Zodiac Sign. So it is interesting that she has left her husband alone at this particular time, because it implies that she has succeeded. Especially if it comes from a St. Petersburg IP address, where the farms are. Hi Jessica As someone who has studied Russia and Putin for a very long time, I can say it is not fantastical to observe the outline of a wicked web that has ensnared a prince. Vale. Are you able to you see in Harrys chart that Charles isnt his real father? Lady Colin Campbell has addressed the surrogacy questions numerous times on her youtube channel e.g. You truly stand out from all the other astrologers. The astrology agrees. Craft quotes the magazine "Harry Styles Fanbook" (2019), pg. 'Serious challenges lie ahead' for Meghan and Harry - Express.co.uk Its really useful to stand well, well back from what has happened to the House of Windsor and see it from a distance. Lost everything. As many pointed out at the beginning of this thread, something doesnt add up. I am glad you went back to the old astrology prediction about the Harry-Meghan wedding. Mixed well into this is the real story: the Church of England. Harry himself may have suspicions that Charles is not his father but I doubt he has dug deep enough to find the answer himself. I thank you again & look forward to further explorations and discoveries on your site. One very good reason is that we were all being deceived by Harry, Meghan and the Archbishop of Canterbury. For the engagement interview Harry stated that he learned about Meghan when one of his friends arranged the blind date and that he had never heard of her and that his friend had to brief him about her. She claimed: "The line of succession and. Elaine, Diana and Harry did have the same transits during the media and publishing world cyclones around them. Hi Jessica, Thats the whole point. How Did 2020 Predictions Twitter Foresee The Harry Styles Vogue Cover? Goosebumps are usually a sign that your spirit guide has drawn closer and confirmed something. Maybe theyre just behind on deadline. Thank you. Now I am not a physic nor any knowledge of astrology or the tarot but isnt many planets changing this year at 16deg and the tower is that card 16 in tarot. So I wonder where Doria fits into all of this? With the news that Meghan is the object of a lawsuit by her sister today, the theme of sisters is certainly coming back! It would be a good new plot line in a manufactured drama series. Harrys chart suggested a new home or heavily renovated home when I first began this story. I adore reading the content provided on your site, thanks always! Following what was said above about photos I had a look on the net. Belt off. Specify the coordinates of the birth location. About the time of their marriage James Stuart announced his engagement and he married some months later. She seems a bit silly. and when He set apart His throne on the winds The interior of the building is not like BP as I know it, but more like a temple. I think that maybe she has moulded herself on Diana knowing that would attract Harry, but its like she is playing a role and its not real, shes not real. I have no evidence at all for this, but Ill bet the Taliban section in Spare was marked for query. Im sorry I dont know how to write this in English : Sun 1936 Taurus 11th House/ Uranus 149r Scorpio 5th H / Saturn 2350 Leo 2nd H / Pluto 1424r Libra 4th H. You mentioned foreigners in your blog for Taurus I do have a project currently blocked, linked to something foreign and I havent been able to find the right support in France so far which drives me slightly crazy I also procrastinate at length and the whole Harry saga gives me the perfect excuse for it (!) I watched the Tom Bradby interview too. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Interesting and mind boggling accuracy, but the Royals have no say in the running of the UK, and their influence in foreign affairs is very limited. You can bet Andrew, Meghan and Harry will be news again by the end of March, though. I think this book has not only exposed the lies that the British press have told but also the lies M&H have told as well. Maybe these discussions may lead to Charles agreeing to abdicate? Ive heard that rumour about Diana and Henry Herbert too. Astrology and natal chart of Harry Styles, born on 1994/02/01 - Astrotheme As a young boy he could protect his mother but he will protect Meghan against anyone. What are the universal themes for us to learn about processing pain versus expressing pain, compassionate communication , true understanding rather than truths, rupture and repair? I have to correct my last comment, albeit a minor point-I said we wait with baited breath, which should be bated breath. It is widely agreed that had he invaded Britain he would have re instated Edward VIII as King along with Wallis. Why did she not put her seat belt on during a car chase, even if she had never done so on leaving the Ritz? Even the use of the name Harold in Spare and the fight mimics The Bayeux Tapestry Harold and William at war. But really the Palace has done all they possibly can do to punish Andrew by banishing him from public life, removing his HRH and kicking him out of Buckingham Palace. Happy New Year! If you view this information just from a therapeutic family systems point of view the patterns are astounding. There is a large table or desk at which I can see the Queen. x. Ukraine has the Sun at 9 Sagittarius. The fall-out by 2044 will probably be a change in the UK constitution which frees up the line of succession. You have been very kind in relation to Harry, and also fair in relation to Meghan & the possibility of being the target of false reporting & portrayal. Maybe their encounter was calculated but she may also have genuinely fell in love with him The tragic story of it all is that as you imply Harry is actually the one used by secret forces. Youve spoken about how karma is coming for all of us in this astrological cycle I wonder how this hypocrisy will be dealt with? Years into the future, Rex Bills produced key words for planets, signs and houses which proves its truth, time after time. She was a devout Anglican and knew all her Archbishops, of course, including the one man who suggested to Charless biographer that any coronation was a constitutional crisis waiting to happen. He suggested that Harry is exhibiting self destructive behaviours common with those who have suffered with PSTD including himself. The month of April was mentioned. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. Hi Jessica 2023 brings a tremendous feeling of freedom, space, liberation and excitement for Harry and his partner, and his two children. He saw that Princess Diana and her boyfriend were in the car. I concur. Craig Hamilton-Parker is a psychic whose predictions for 2022 include the death of Queen Elizabeth some time after the four day celebration in June for her Platinum Jubilee 70 years in service. He is not being called to account and nor is his wife. I suppose time will tell. They had actually known each other in another life in an Arabic country. Im more inclined to recall the astounding royal career of Henry VIIIs maternal grandfather, Edward IV. It just does what it does. Thank you. Ive no idea. The taxation and finance cycles dont begin (for him) until July 2023. They go on sale just before the proposed coronation in April 2023. Both Harry and Meghan have condemned Russias war on Ukraine. (I have not read it). It has nothing to do with whether or not you accept it. Two clever photographers can produce two different photographs of the same pregnant woman in profile. Also thank you for your thoughts on the Pluto transits. All 5 categories correct - yeah! I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I am absolutly sure that this Royal drama is part of something bigger like I mentationed in my earlier comment. Harrys chart lines up with the Russian chart. Prince Harry has been very open about experiencing flashbacks from cameras linked to his mothers death etc which most people understand to be linked to PTSD. (Well both, actually). He sold the seven-acre site to the Sussexes for a heavy discount of 11million. Belt off. Thank you for picking up Meghan Markles veil at the wedding. He is in the best cycle in 12 years to do that, prematurely, until May 2023. Lady C is really of no help whatsoever by saying the massive secret was something the public told the family, online. There is an article swirling around today, 6.1.23, that Harry will have to take a DNA test before he gets his inheritance from Her Majesty the Queen. I am 1/3rd way through Spare and I think its interesting reading Harrys comment about Murdoch and the Taliban. Amazing. So from Andrew, Harry and Meghan come the polls. Images of gargoyles, devils, and biblical scenes involving figures such as Moses and Joh the Baptist flash past and there are sounds of chanting. Again, I am reminded of what Linda Goodman had to say on the subject, early in her book Love Signs, first published in 1979. Horoscope 2023 - Astrology 2023 Yearly Predictions - Astroyogi I will go and check the charts Roell has been using and have a look at the technique too, if he has been using progressions. The astrology has been clear for a while that there would be renovations or a new home in store for Harry and Meghan, so I guess thats the next step after the end of Frogmore. Its not hard to interpret it as a comment thats as much about being conflicted as about being anxious about his role and the event. Harrys chart shows his foreign and multicultural interests this period in his life, from 2018 to 2026 is about nothing else. A CBC investigation on 14th April 2022 traced the ownership of Mille Fleurs, the Vancouver Island mansion where Harry and Meghan escaped to after leaving the United Kingdom to a Russian billionaire. There are other churches, like the Methodists and Presbyterians. Yes. Shortly before the wedding, the Queen then offered Meghan a choice from her own tiara collection. One way to see through this (and astrology is very good at that) is to treat the whole Harry and Andrew saga like a mystery. On the surface we have only heard one narrative that seems to change with each telling. Gas is a Neptune-ruled idea in astrology. The wedding itself changed venue; it was then postponed upon the death of Pope John Paul II. Oh dearthis is turning into the perfect storm, not exactly a storm in a teacup! That is why psychic readers feel for him but also (usefully) sense the answers. The word EPISCOPAL contains the letters of the word LOSE A POPE, which they did undeniably. Later on, freedom will be found in a new role. I had no idea David Roell of AstroAmerica predicted Prince Georges birthday. Regards Veronica. I am sorry for this very late reply; you wrote on 10th February and it is now 5th March, but I hope you enjoy the new podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-astrology-show-podcast-with-jessica-adams/id1672716621. Once the relationship was made public, she tweeted My cup runneth over. Its private. Virtue signalling. Thank you Janie Bee. I must find that photograph of Princess Catherine resembling The High Priestess. Nothing to do with the Church of England but its a fascinating part of her history. Not to mention their acceptance of the Kennedy award for highlighting institutional racism, I think was the term. Current and former British military commanders have accused the Duke of Sussex of giving ammunition to Irans propaganda machine and exploiting his military career for financial gain. Two vans approach from either side and prevent the black car from moving forward. But of course. About a metre away from me the wind picked up the dust and leaves and whirled them into a spiral. Would you please explain why? The astrology predicted this too. (who has connections to Russia) Prince Harry's Horoscope, Birth Chart, Astrology Predictions He will definitely be taking the lead today for his shy bride but he may look fidgety, twitchy or nervous. You will find France and any other foreign country or nationality ceases to be such an issue from March 2023. There is a huge question emerging about what marriage is. I agree with you there has been a deliberate orchestration of events in order to achieve an outcome. I have hesitated to mention the following, as I realise it is not evidence, but possibly it is grist to your psychic mill. It was well known in social circles that Camilla saw her as a threat, Charles having described Kanga as the only woman who ever truly understood me. JC. Even my husband, who is fervently anti-monarchy, is asking what is going on here? Thank you everyone for your insightful comments and ongoing research. It definitely does seem to be the case that the Commonwealth is an organisation/concept some interests want to see broken apart. What do you think? Way back on 17th July 2017, I published some predictions about the Royal Family and Prince Harry. I have read and understood the privacy and cookie policy and agree to the processing of my data and the use of cookies in accordance with it. He'll pursue a serious acting career. Its like he is on a crusade to reform the Royal Family for the good of all and he sees his actions are justified. Its interesting March 2023 has already come up for you in a meeting. Hi Jessica, The Netflix documentary fingering the Commonwealth as the second British Empire must have been music to the ears of Britains enemies. Just to add Jessica that I had a look on Mumsnet tonight and ALL the Royal threads have disappeared. MP Bob Seeley reckons his private members Bill to strip H&M of Sussex titles will be ready mid February time. Pluto enters Aquarius, just as he entered Aquarius over a quarter-century ago, when the French Revolution began and their monarchy was given the chop. I agree, the comments (now past 300) are a brilliant part of the whole story. See that bright one next to the moon? Theres a bit of subconscious NLP going on. What we are seeing in March is this astonishing thud, as Pluto lands at 0 Aquarius and triggers everybody and everything in the pages of Spare. Uranus liberates and sets free, but it also shocks. Same sex marriage, after five years, is a controversial Church of England discussion which amazingly is decided, as Spare is released and plans for the coronation of Charles III are made. I feel the same way about Harry now. Her image has stayed in my mind rolling about fairly consistently which I thought meant something. Some people call it gaslighting. Ive just commented to another reader that it is quite possibly Meghan who was fooled by a photographer shooting from the wrong angle. 6) Sun Mercury Venus in 3rd house makes one popular writer and if somehow Jupiter aspects the, then one become a very famous scholar, writer, artist. The Tarot can help with guidance on this Cancer-Capricorn axis transit. Great read, thanks for that; I always look forward to reading your predictions. Quickly followed by a speed dial call to his therapist (around the same time his wife claimed she was dissuaded from reaching out for mental help). Ive not looked at the China astrology chart in terms of Andrew and Harry (astrologically, we pair them together, as both were drawn into the Leo eclipse cover-ups at the height of Trump Russia). type role for H or a possible investment by MM like the coffee? Prince William does not have mars conjunct jupiter and in fact jupiter has to pass saturn and pluto in order to progress to conjunct mars. What more can they do to publicly humiliate him? Harry, Meghan, Oprah Predictions - Jessica Adams Harry Styles & Camille Rowe's Relationship Timeline Is Mysterious Then theres that other blessing we assume thats what it was when Welby joined Harry and Meghan in the garden without telling anybody, until Meghan told Oprah Winfrey in front of millions and so he had to explain himself. Roell predicts Prince George will become king at a young age not William. Cheers. Ive increasingly felt it these last years. Her claim that she did not know PA doesnt make sense as it is ludicrous that she didnt know who the RF members were. I have been struck by the glaring inconsistencies with the Sussexes, too numerous to mention, but one example being Harry starring in a campaign for Travalyst, founded by him, for sustainable travel, and then taking private flight after private flight, with considerable carbon output. The fact that its her and Harry against the British Royal family is typically Libra. Harrys medium gave good survival evidence: a Christmas tree decoration (of HM the Queen) broke and Archie picked it up. As Ive also said, if Harrys astrology chart came without a name, I would assume the man in question was involved with Hollywood, with foreign money but with shocks coming. I feel very sorry for Harry. Pretty interesting. Honey traps are a long part of Soviet strategy and usually happen in Moscow bars, dont they! The rules on primogeniture were changed (too late for Anne) but perhaps they can and will go further. The security issue for Harry at his Better Up event is obvious even to non-astrologers. A Happy Lunar New Year to you also, He did not see the violently swirling leaves, they had settled by then. I read your 2023 forecast for Virgo Harry and it all sounded very positive to me, though hell probably feel like hes been through the ringer emotionally in his private moments with the generational Pluto/Pluto square. black and white wedding photos etc., what was their purpose. The Grand Duchess died in 1920 and Queen Mary bought it. There is something so deeply wrong about the whole thing. Interestingly I have noticed on online forums their biggest and most vociferous defenders are Republicans who want to do away with the RF altogether. Princess Anne has close ties with UK intelligence and may have been faster out of the gate than anyone else at the danger signals coming from America. Harry has Chiron, the planet of healing, in Gemini but his astrological make-up is predominantly Earth, Fire and Water. There does seem to be an undermining of religion in both ceremonies, as on the last South Node in Libra cycle, 2004 (set to come back, natch) Meghan began dating Trevor Engelson, son of a Jewish couple. If you have a Leo stellium (as you do) then the challenges and changes with courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne are extremely slow-moving and long-term. The name spare spare to what the crown I dont think the people would welcome Prince Harry back as part of the royals family with Megan, separate yes but not together. Pluto does more into Aquarius in a few months. Harry and Olivia are seen holding hands at a wedding aka one of the most couple-y events you can possibly attend with a significant otherand all hell breaks loose on the . I keep asking why no others have been held accountable for their actions. I will post this now, as Mercury is out of Retrograde Shadow. How to. Does this even make sense. Amelie. I agree with everyone that we are being played and I keep hearing who is directing it ?and who is the producer of this shakespearen drama in front of us? Legendary astrologer Nostradamus has predicted that the Royal family will be finished once the Queen dies. They can be toxic or destructive. Since George III and the Prince Regent who replaced him. This is one month after what I am predicting will be the crisis for the Church of England and the monarchy. I feel the hurt from W and his wife very strongly. Leave it with you. William Marshal ruled England for 9 year old Henry iii. It didnt dazzle me now Im thinking that was intuition. If Anne is back, I think that would be astro-logical, timely with the Aquarian Age, according to what historian Hayley Nolan says about her, which is that she was, quote, a passionate fighter for those who had not been afforded the same privileges in life as she. My mother asked why he thinks that and my father said she was pregnant with a Muslim and that there is no way the Royal Family would let the future king have a Muslim brother. As a Sun Cancer myself I know that in life family brings the greatest joy but also can bring the deepest emotional pain. If you were a television actress in Los Angeles, not particularly making it big, and you were offered the chance to become the Duchess of Sussex, one day become the future King and Queens substitute when (say) abroad or indisposed wouldnt you do your job in The Firm? With best wishes to you and everyone else on the blog
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