The practice of placing relics of Saints, even those not Martyrs, under the altar to be dedicated is fittingly retained. If there is to be a second reading before the Gospel, the lector proclaims it from the ambo. 302. 17: AAS 59 (1967), p. 305. 39. In addition, the nature of the ministerial priesthood also puts into its proper light another reality, which must indeed be highly regarded, namely, the royal priesthood of the faithful, whose spiritual sacrifice is brought to completeness through the ministry of the Bishop and the priests in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the one and only Mediator. Next, the priest, with hands extended, continues the Preface. 86). PDF Mass of the Lord's Supper Holy Thursday Mass - Ingham Region Catholic [14] Ecumenical Council of Trent, Session 22, Doctrina de ss. It is praiseworthy for the bread and wine to be presented by the faithful. xYK$771 `ggra3MH!5Sce{*Iw|AaxPRQP_Axpy:VF'~=4SB(5 In the dioceses of the United States of America, sacred vessels may also be made from other solid materials that, according to the common estimation in each region, are precious, for example, ebony or other hard woods, provided that such materials are suited to sacred use and do not easily break or deteriorate. 122-124; Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, Presbyterorum ordinis, no. 265. 59. PDF Guidelines: Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction 938 2; John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Dominicae Cenae, 24 February 1980, no. Its riches are of benefit to the universal Church, so that were they to be lost, the Church would be seriously harmed. [148] Cf. In the choice of texts for the several parts of the Mass, whether of the Season or of the Saints, the following norms should be observed. At the end, the lector says the acclamation, Verbum Domini (The word of the Lord), and all respond, Deo gratias (Thanks be to God). no. It is fitting that there be a cantor or a choir director to lead and sustain the peoples singing. [91] Cf. Then, with hands joined, he bows profoundly before the altar and quietly says, Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart). For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Care should, however, be taken that, when choosing scriptural passages, parts of Sacred Scripture are not permanently excluded. 48. [104] Cf. 184. During Mass, three genuflections are made by the priest celebrant: namely, after the showing of the host, after the showing of the chalice, and before Communion. Holy Thursday, therefore, is an invitation to become aware of our sins, to put our lives in order, and embark on a path of repentance and renewal to obtain God's pardon. 378. 245. The vestment proper to the deacon is the dalmatic, worn over the alb and stole. As a rule, each acclamation is sung or said twice, though it may be repeated several times, by reason of the character of the various languages, as well as of the artistry of the music or of other circumstances. The text of this hymn may not be replaced by any other text. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. In each of the Eucharistic Prayers, these formulas are to be modified according to the requirements of grammar. [49] Cf. For this reason, the norm of the holy Fathers requires not only the preservation of what our immediate forebears have passed on to us, but also an understanding and a more profound study of the Churchs entire past and of all the ways in which her one and only faith has been set forth in the quite diverse human and social forms prevailing in the Semitic, Greek, and Latin areas. There is to be a homily on Sundays and holy days of obligation at all Masses that are celebrated with the participation of a congregation; it may not be omitted without a serious reason. PDF Holy Thursday Order of Service - St. James the Apostle Parish 247. 303. 246. 24: AAS 59 (1967), p. 554. 2104 0 obj <> endobj 0000005387 00000 n The priest says the invitation to the prayer, and all the faithful say it with him; the priest alone adds the embolism, which the people conclude with a doxology. 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Second Reading (on Sundays and solemnities), Profession of Faith (on Sundays, solemnities, and special occasions), Presentation of the Gifts and Preparation of the Altar, First half of prayer, including Consecration, Second half of prayer, ending with Doxology. 1 0 obj 79. 88. 59. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 56. 3). 542, 544-545. [123], 313. [125], The one tabernacle should be immovable, be made of solid and inviolable material that is not transparent, and be locked in such a way that the danger of profanation is prevented to the greatest extent possible. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. Penitential Act The Priest invites the faithful to the Penitential Act. 259. [65] Cf. What is the Mass? Although it has been provided with its own Preface, it may also be used with other Prefaces, especially those that summarize the mystery of salvation, such as the common Prefaces. 283), so that even by means of the signs Communion will stand out more clearly as a participation in the sacrifice actually being celebrated.[73]. At Massthat is, the Lords Supperthe People of God is called together, with a priest presiding and acting in the person of Christ, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord, the Eucharistic Sacrifice. 14. While the sign of peace is being given, one may say, Pax Domini sit semper tecum (The peace of the Lord be with you always), to which the response is Amen. [31] Cf. At the final doxology of the Eucharistic Prayer, the deacon stands next to the priest, holding the chalice elevated while the priest elevates the paten with the host, until the people have responded with the acclamation, Amen. [74] Cf. When the Alleluia is begun, all rise, except for a Bishop, who puts incense into the thurible without saying anything and blesses the deacon or, if there is no deacon, the concelebrant who is to proclaim the Gospel. When this prayer before Communion is finished, the principal celebrant genuflects and steps back a little. If incense is used, the priest then puts some in the thurible, blesses it without saying anything, and incenses the offerings, the cross, and the altar. Language should be used that can be grasped by the faithful and that is suitable for public proclamation, while maintaining those characteristics that are proper to the different ways of speaking used in the biblical books. Then, as appropriate, a few moments of silence may be observed so that all may meditate on what they have heard. [18], Above all, the Second Vatican Council, which urged that more perfect form of participation in the Mass by which the faithful, after the priests Communion, receive the Lords Body from the same Sacrifice,[19] called for another desire of the Fathers of Trent to be realized, namely that for the sake of a fuller participation in the holy Eucharist the faithful present at each Mass should communicate not only by spiritual desire but also by sacramental reception of the Eucharist.[20], 14. White is used in the Offices and Masses during the Easter and Christmas seasons; also on celebrations of the Lord other than of his Passion, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Holy Angels, and of Saints who were not Martyrs; on the Solemnities of All Saints (November 1) and of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24); and on the Feasts of St. John the Evangelist (December 27), of the Chair of St. Peter (February 22), and of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25). [77], 92. 160-162). 271. The Creed is not said. And all pray in silence with the Priest for a while. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm. endobj 19. 540-541. The gestures and posture of the priest, the deacon, and the ministers, as well as those of the people, ought to contribute to making the entire celebration resplendent with beauty and noble simplicity, so that the true and full meaning of the different parts of the celebration is evident and that the participation of all is fostered. 0000001016 00000 n 0000006009 00000 n Any appearance of a throne, however, is to be avoided. 175. 249. All other things being equal, Gregorian chant holds pride of place because it is proper to the Roman Liturgy. This is achieved by appropriate use of the wide options described below. Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory Bishop of Belleville President United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Reverend Monsignor William P. Fay General Secretary. When there is an Entrance Procession, the following are also to be prepared: the Book of the Gospels; on Sundays and festive days, the thurible and the boat with incense, if incense is used; the cross to be carried in procession; and candlesticks with lighted candles. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Before and after an incensation, a profound bow is made to the person or object that is incensed, except for the incensation of the altar and the offerings for the Sacrifice of the Mass. The priest venerates the altar in the usual way with a kiss and, after making a profound bow with the minister, departs. Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. 284-287 is followed. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Varietates legitimate, 25 January 1994, nos. [159] Cf. stream On the weekdays of Advent from December 17 to December 24, on days within the Octave of Christmas, and on the weekdays of Lent, except Ash Wednesday and during Holy Week, the Mass for the current liturgical day is to be used; but the collect may be taken from a memorial which happens to be listed in the General Calendar for that day, except on Ash Wednesday and during Holy Week. The concelebrants approach the altar one after another, genuflect, and take a particle, dip it partly into the chalice, and, holding a purificator under their chin, consume the intincted particle. [46] Cf. These readings should be followed strictly. Generally speaking, in the ornamentation and arrangement of a church as far as images are concerned, provision should be made for the devotion of the entire community as well as for the beauty and dignity of the images. 0000005649 00000 n 91. <> 118. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 55. If he is carrying the Book of the Gospels, he approaches the altar and places the Book of the Gospels upon it. 158. 117-119. The norms on the manner of singing are the same as for the Entrance chant (cf. endobj The meaning of this office is enunciated and explained clearly and at greater length in the Preface for the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, the day commemorating the institution of the priesthood. If a prayer over the people or a solemn formula for the blessing is used, the deacon says, Inclinate vos ad benedictionem (Bow your heads and pray for Gods blessing). When Communion is distributed under both kinds. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 62-64). 91: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898. <> 36: AAS 87 (1995), pp. The priest continues the Eucharistic Prayer in accordance with the rubrics that are set forth in each of the Prayers. Holy Thursday / The Last Supper April 2nd - 8th, 2023 Holy Week is the week before Easter Sunday, beginning seven days before with Palm Sunday. Moreover, the wondrous mystery of the Lords real presence under the Eucharistic species, reaffirmed by the Second Vatican Council[6] and other documents of the Churchs Magisterium[7] in the same sense and with the same words that the Council of Trent had proposed as a matter of faith,[8] is proclaimed in the celebration of Mass not only by means of the very words of consecration, by which Christ becomes present through transubstantiation, but also by that interior disposition and outward expression of supreme reverence and adoration in which the Eucharistic Liturgy is carried out. 95: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898. Greeting of the Altar and of the People Gathered Together. 11. If, however, only one acolyte is present, he should perform the more important duties while the rest are to be distributed among several ministers. 273. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici, On the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 26 September 1964, no. 337. 398. 21. endstream endobj 2138 0 obj <>/Size 2104/Type/XRef>>stream nos. 2628 0 obj <>stream Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 0000010985 00000 n Thus, images of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Saints, in accordance with the Churchs most ancient tradition, should be displayed for veneration by the faithful in sacred buildings[133] and should be arranged so as to usher the faithful toward the mysteries of faith celebrated there. Col 3:16). The singing is continued for as long as the Sacrament is being administered to the faithful. Those who, in some places, meet the faithful at the church entrance, lead them to appropriate places, and direct processions. If, however, this Eucharistic Prayer is used in Masses for the Dead, the special formula for the dead may be used, to be included at the proper place, namely, after the Omnes filios tuos ubique dispersos, tibi, clemens Pater, miseratus coniunge (In mercy and love unite all your children). The holy day falls on the Thursday before Easter and is part of Holy Week. 131. 10 0 obj UNIVERSAL PRAYER At the end of each petition, the reader says: V. We pray to the Lord. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. It also commemorates His institution of the priesthood. During the Easter Season, according to the tradition of the Church, instead of the reading from the Old Testament, the reading is taken from the Acts of the Apostles. no. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, everything is done as in a Mass with a congregation, with the following exceptions. If a host or any particle should fall, it is to be picked up reverently. For the sacred Order of the diaconate has been held in high honor in the Church even from the time of the Apostles. 4 0 obj 0000013321 00000 n Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. Order of Mass - Universalis It is a praiseworthy practice to cover the chalice with a veil, which may be either the color of the day or white. Such a situation may arise when the same text would have to be read again within a few days, as, for example, on a Sunday and on a following weekday, or when it is feared that a certain text might create some difficulties for a particular group of the Christian faithful. The faithful do the same, praying silently. 237. Finally, concerning the other formulas: Some constitute an independent rite or act, such as the Gloria, the responsorial Psalm, the Alleluia and verse before the Gospel, the Sanctus, the Memorial Acclamation, and the cantus post communionem (song after communion); Others accompany another rite, such as the chants at the Entrance, at the Offertory, at the fraction (Agnus Dei), and at Communion. Should, however, a good reason arise, (e.g., a large number of concelebrants or a lack of vestments), concelebrants other than the principal celebrant may omit the chasuble and simply wear the stole over the alb. 158), observing, however, the rite chosen in each particular instance for Communion from the chalice; and the other concelebrants should follow suit. Then he says, Lectio sancti Evangelii (A reading from the holy Gospel), making the sign of the cross with his thumb on the book and on his forehead, mouth, and breast, which everyone else does as well. Then he takes the chalice, saying quietly, Sanguis Christi custodiat me in vitam aeternam (May the Blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life), and reverently receives the Blood of Christ. 33. 26: AAS 59 (1967), p. 555; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, nos. 181. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 280. -in vesting order for C, biretta, amice, alb, white23 cincture, maniple, stole and chasuble.-white cope and humeral veil for the Translation.24 Liturgy of the Word First Reading Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14Thanks be to God. From the Haec ergo dona (Let your Spirit come upon) to the Et supplices (May all of us who share) inclusive, all the concelebrants speak all the following together: The Haec ergo dona (Let your Spirit come upon) with hands extended toward the offerings; The Qui cum passioni (Before he was given up to death) and the Simili modo (When supper was ended) with hands joined; The Memores igitur (In memory of his death) and the Et supplices (May all of us who share) with hands extended. MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Lent ends with the beginning of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on the evening of Holy Thursdaythe only Mass permitted on this day. This Mass is a time for Catholics to remember the Last Supper where Jesus and his apostles gathered to celebrate Passover. These, however, are so closely interconnected that they form but one single act of worship. Moreover, on account of the same attitude toward the new state of the present world, it seemed that in the use of texts from the most ancient tradition, so revered a treasure would in no way be harmed if some phrases were changed so that the style of language would be more in accord with the language of modern theology and would truly reflect the current discipline of the Church. The Roman Missal, Lectionary for Mass, editio typica altera, 1981, Introduction, no. 134. The deacon reverently drinks at the altar all of the Blood of Christ that remains, assisted, if necessary, by some of the concelebrants. In a concelebration where a priest presides, however, the concelebrant who in the absence of a deacon proclaims the Gospel neither requests nor receives the blessing of the principal celebrant. 9: AAS 66 (1974), pp. 0000010764 00000 n It is, indeed, of advantage that in regions using the same language, the same translation be used whenever possible for liturgical texts, especially for biblical texts and for the Order of Mass.[151]. It is well also that money or other gifts for the poor or for the Church, brought by the faithful or collected in the church, should be received. 301. He consumes a little of the Blood of Christ and hands the chalice to the deacon or a concelebrant. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 0000000572 00000 n The celebration of Mass, as the action of Christ and the People of God arrayed hierarchically, is the center of the whole Christian life for the Church both universal and local, as well as for each of the faithful individually. Then he signifies the presence of the Lord to the community gathered there by means of the Greeting.
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