So I had to go and literally put myself in her shoes, so to speak. Mind Control Technology or Remote Neural Monitoring or Psychotronics Mind Control as it is generally called, has assumed dangerous proportions in India, it is devastating and destroying lives of innocent men women and sometimes children. The following data was from NASAs Jet Propulsion Lab, The sensitivity of our deep-space tracking antennas located around the world is truly amazing. Be sure to let family, friends, and coworkers know which day of the week you are planning on doing this so that they do not become worried if they can't get in touch with you. Perpetrators are directing EMF or microwaves or scalar waves at the tar I think Mennet and Egger know each other not only through the sale of the house part. During the past years, Soleilmavis worked hard to expose mind control technologies and their torturous abuses, and urge governments worldwide to investigate and halt these egregious violations of human rights. All those symptoms would disappear without any medical treatment, or sometimes, a pain would persist, even if she had strong medication.,,,,,,,,,,, The ppl who go through fema camps technology The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patients brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity. Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency - LinkedIn On twitter for the past 10 years I have been publishing or republishing snippets of sense that. More than 250 people who claim they were the victims of brainwashing by Americas Central Intelligence Agency were set to win a multimillion dollar legal battle for compensation. He was known to another friend of Jansen earlier. A response to advances in neurotechnology that can read or alter brain activity, new human rights would protect people from theft, abuse and hacking. They need you alone and vulnerable in order to break your spirit. good luck to all of you. It is like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a wall, said John Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany in 2007, who led the study with colleagues at University College London and Oxford University. Read a book to a child, or make your way through your novels with a friend or partner by reading them to each other. One can feel the effects of this signal, which may induce a dull headache and pressure in the temples and behind the eyes. Shift the the burden at every opportunity. The more grounded outlets used, the better. T.J. Richard Scott Baumhammers, 34, was arrested Friday, April 28, 2000, following a shooting rampage that left five dead and one seriously injured in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Many victims are currently working in conjunction with Soleilmavis to start a worldwide campaign against secret mind control weapons abuse and torture. Nevertheless, aluminum shielding is a good first step to greatly reducing the level of incoming microwave radiation. Note that aluminum doesnt block ELF waves (Extremely Low Frequency, below 500 Hz), only higher frequency EM radiation like radio, microwaves, and millimeter waves. One of the more intriguing mind control devices is Muse (opens in new tab). Some victims organized meetings to meet together to discuss how to fight well. Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based wonder drug they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops. New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft They have all the codes of the bank cards, etc. [9], Research into electromagnetic spectrums weapons had been secretly carried out in the US and Russia since the fifties. These signals entrain brainwaves into a high-beta state, which causes aggression and stress, or an alpha level that induces hypnotic states and muddled thinking. How CIA Uses Mind Control Against Individuals And Entire - Rense Yet they dont have family or kids. As early as 1998, scientists had warned that the control and manipulation of a human brain was a terrifying possibility. i have also been a target now for going on 8 years. From personal experimentation, and hearing the experiences of others, I am convinced that microwave pollution and intentional targeting can muddle thoughts, induce fatigue and migraines, reduce willpower, and maybe even subliminally implant thoughts or entrain emotional states. Thoughts And Mind Control Implants | Shift Frequency But, how does it actually work? Meditation or Exercise. USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002), Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors. My fake friends and family have used NLP and Trauma Based Mind Control on me since I was born. I know a girl who is being mind controlled. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. In November last year, US military scientists reported that a procedure called transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) boosted the mental skills of personnel. Then I found out. Were talking about decoding the words youve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.. In email correspondence with The Huffington Post, Frank said he . Aluminum foil really does attenuate (lessen) certain EM radiation if electrically grounded and not touching the skin. Electromagnetic mind control technologies are weapons which use electromagnetic waves to hijack a persons brain and nervous system and subvert an individuals sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. Probably shadow factions of the military/intelligence community. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. if you ever contact me again, I will forward all of your vulgar emails to your employer. Frhlichs also have knowledge. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, pushed for the CIA to begin a secret war against the Soviets. Over time, you'll start to feel happier, more balanced, and in control of your feelings and sense of self. Then use double-alligator wires to connect one blanket piece to another, so that an electrical pathway is traced between the grounded plug and the last blanket. 2) Effective laws and other measures from our governments need to be enacted to prevent the misuse of such weapons. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. She and other victims in her network have started a concerted campaign against secret mind control weapons abuse and torture. Noticeable effects started with some noises (whispering voices) which she heard from the floor below her or from the neighbors houses. These same people have done whatever they wish for a long time and it doesnt stop at mind control they use whats called vampirism which is a for of draining your energy all the way to necromancing which is mind control at its fullest. The answer is yes, and we need to be vigilant and to use the following strategies in various situations in order to be able to stop mind control from happening. Desiree Panlilio. In our changing world, it always adapts, responding to new tasks, stimuli, and expectations. If you are thinking that this all sounds very far-fetched and implausible, it is worth remembering that mind control is used in our everyday lives, from advertising products to media bias in politics. By the way i want to share this content on facebook if you don't mind. Happy holidays and please dont take it the wrong way God bless you all sorry to bother. [6], Those mind reading technologies use EEC with decoding of neurological signals remotely with or without an implant through satellite or through TV Mobile transmission towers. Can someone be saved once they have been controlled? A study funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has perfected the art of using electrical signals to manipulate the color of a squids iridescent skin over the entire color spectrum. X 3 Majority of the symptoms were: pain all over the body, stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, involuntary hand tremors, inability to stand firmly on her legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, high fevers, constipation, faece and piss incontinence, sexual harassment, sleep deprivation, dream manipulation, artificial emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness), and manipulation of memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories). Try something new. [7]. The easiest way to understand monarch programming is that it is rm as franchises. If you are expected to meet impossible deadlines, have strictly regulated mealtimes and bathroom breaks, no access to your own money or friends, then this is mind control. Jared Loughner, 23, who accused of shooting a US congresswoman in Arizona and killing six others on January 8, 2011, claimed that he was being mind-controlled. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. Now she has 2 small children and cant do much of anything. The shocking thing : Jansen already told me at that time : It is cool that he is corrupt. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. It wont fit in the slots anyway, which carry dangerous electricity. A massive book of large 8.5x11 pages MIND MATRIX: COVERT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT MIND CONTROL PROGRAM is without a doubt the most complete work on the subject of electronic mind control techniques, mind games, case studies of individuals stricken by a super secret intelligence bent on destroying individual lives, as well as a detailed list of 100 .
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